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Col Kim Hawthorne, USAF (Ret.)

Kim became the sixth Center Director of Spring Canyon in December 2013. A 1986 graduate of USAFA, he retired with almost 28 years of service as an aviator in the T-37, EF-111, F-15E, and T-53. He commanded at the squadron and group levels. Kim first attended Spring Canyon in 1982 during a USAFA work party. He and his wife, Kari Ann, met at Spring Canyon and were married there in 1990. A Wheaton College graduate, Kari Ann first experienced Spring Canyon with her family in 1969. Kim served 15 years on the OCF Council, most recently as Council Vice President, and together he and Kari Ann served 25 years on the Spring Canyon Advisory Council. They’ve been blessed to pass this legacy on to their three children, Ki, Erin, and Amy Grace, third generation attendees who all served on Spring Canyon staff. The Hawthornes pray that Spring Canyon will be for you what it has been for their family all these years: a home away from home, where you can reconnect in the Rockies. When you come, may you taste of Christ’s Living Water and be refreshed on your journey, equipped with solid biblical teaching, and inspired to continue to serve where God has placed you.

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