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The Connections and Conversations Retreat is for homeschooled students in grades 9-12 (ages 14-18). This retreat is designed to connect high school students to a larger community while engaging them in the art of discussion and building fun, new relationships. There will be opportunities for fellowship, discussion, games, rock climbing, hiking, possibly tubing if there is enough snow and more. This retreat is geared toward those enrolled in the Classical Conversations Challenge I-IV programs, but all homeschooled high school students are welcome.
Andy Truitt, former Classical Conversations National Director, will be leading the sessions and the parent chaperones will lead the breakout groups. Past students who have attended this retreat have said it was “life-changing” and “…wish I could do this several times a year.”

Our discussion will be based on a book, short articles or stories.

Please plan to arrive between 6pm and 7pm on Thursday (no dinner available on the first night, so eat before your arrival) and depart at 10:30am on Sunday.

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