Speaker: Dr. Tegan Truitt
Tegan Truitt is a husband, father, university educator, economist, Anglican seminarian, and homeschool graduate. He met his wife Bethany working at Spring Canyon, where they were subsequently engaged and married. They have one son, Eliot, who seems to share his father’s love of books. You can often find the Truitt family hiking, playing board games, or cooking for friends. When not teaching undergraduates or researching European economic history, Tegan likes to read classic literature. He will receive his doctorate in economics from George Mason University in May, and return to his alma mater Grove City College as Assistant Professor of Finance and Economics in July.
Topic: “Education and the Christian Vision”
Our world is a deliberate communication from God to His creatures. Secular education tends to see the hard sciences as fundamental and the humanities (art, literature, music, etc.) as mere expensive indulgences. But if all the natural world is a communication from God, then physics and chemistry do not describe fundamental reality – they describe fundamental features of our world, which point deliberately to a God who transcends that world. Conversely, the humanities offer us a unique way to represent God as His image bearers – as sub-creators and sub-communicators ourselves. These sessions will describe a mode of education ordered toward giving students this Christian vision of the world, with special attention to the questions of how, and why, parents are uniquely equipped to give heir children such an education in the home.
Guest Ambassadors: COL Rob and Tami Jassey, USA (Ret.)